Reliable is actively improving roads in Anne Arundel County; here’s how!
Asphalt road resurfacing keeps residential and commercial streets intact for longer. Maryland has programs for asphalt maintenance that keep each city’s roads smooth and safe, and Reliable Contracting helps complete this mission. What exactly is asphalt road resurfacing and what are its benefits?
What Is Asphalt Resurfacing?
Asphalt resurfacing is the process of removing the top layer of an asphalt surface like a driveway, road, or parking lot that needs more than crack-filling or sealcoating alone. The entire asphalt pavement structure would benefit most from replacing the entire top layer rather than fixing it or replacing the pavement entirely.
At some point, the asphalt surface might have so many imperfections, such as poor grading, cracks, potholes, etc., that fixing it wouldn’t help, and sealcoating too many times can cause cracks. Asphalt resurfacing is the most efficient solution and extends the life of the pavement by several years.
The Steps of Asphalt Resurfacing
Inspection & Preparation
The first step a professional asphalt company will take is to inspect the pavement for damages. This is also a time to inspect for potential damages under the top layer. The next step is to prepare the site by clearing it of all obstacles like debris, speed bumps, and utility lines, if applicable.
Milling is the term for removing asphalt, whether the top layer or the entire pavement. Using specialized equipment, the company will grind up the top layer and remove the excess. The road will be uneven temporarily, but still able to take on traffic.
If there is any damage to the sublayers, this is when the asphalt company will address it. More milling may be required for those spots, but in the end, even the deepest layer of pavement should be sound and last for several decades.
Finally, it is time to resurface the pavement. An asphalt company might lay down a sticky coating first that will help the new asphalt bond with the pavement. Then the new asphalt goes down and may cure for about three days.
Reliable on the Road
Reliable Contracting performs different asphalt resurfacing projects throughout central Maryland and is happy to work with you on your municipal or commercial project.
Reliable is dedicated to delivering quality products, displaying professionalism within the firm, seeking new opportunities for expansion and profitability, and providing an environment for individual success. If you have a commercial or residential construction project that you need taken care of, please contact Anne Arundel County’s largest site-work contractor today by calling 410-987-0313 or visiting our website. You can also follow Reliable Contracting on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter!
Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.