When large machinery is present on a worksite, everyone involved needs to be aware of safety best practices. This is particularly true when dump trucks are involved. There are many different safety hazards that dump truck drivers must take into account when delivering a load on a worksite. Dump truck delivery is part of nearly every construction project, so drivers and construction workers in all areas must be familiar with the steps necessary to work safely around dump trucks. Here are a few best practices that everyone should follow to ensure safe dump truck delivery.
Dump Truck Delivery Requires Level Surfaces
While some dump truck delivery drivers may wave this requirement off, level surfaces are absolutely essential for delivery. Uneven terrain can quickly turn a load into an unpredictable hazard, particularly if the truck is loaded unevenly. Sitework contractors and other construction professionals should take great care to ensure that there are level surfaces available for dump truck delivery.
Trucks Should Be Inspected and Maintained Regularly
Dump trucks have many moving parts that can malfunction or become damaged, so dump truck drivers should have a thorough inspection and maintenance routine for their vehicles. This includes checking tire pressure, tread, and all hydraulic or pneumatic equipment required to maneuver the truck’s box. Aside from constant vigilance and communication, keeping a well-maintained dump truck is the most important way that dump truck drivers can keep worksites safe.
Be Aware of the Truck’s Surroundings
Electrical wires, nearby vehicles, and passersby can all present safety risks for a dump truck driver. In order to deliver loads safely, drivers must be vigilant and keep an eye out for any people or objects that can interfere with their delivery. Be sure to watch for overhead obstacles like power lines or trees, never unload a truck next to other vehicles, and make sure that everyone in the area knows that a delivery is taking place.
Drive Responsibly in Traffic
While many safety hazards are present on worksites during the dumping phase of the delivery process, dump truck drivers must also remember to drive responsibly on public roadways. Drivers must be attentive to other vehicles and pedestrians, and they should remain aware of the limitations and challenges that they may experience while hauling each load. Keep an eye out for weight and height restrictions on roads, and drive cautiously to make sure that the cargo reaches its destination safely.
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Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.