Safe driving is the number one priority on the road!
Safe driving is of top concern wherever roads are present. Many accidents and fatalities can be prevented in Maryland by practicing responsible driving habits. Operation Safe Driver Week, which occurs in the middle of July, focuses on promoting safe driving as much as possible. Below is more about this observation and some driving situations to keep in mind as you enjoy the road.
Operation Safe Driver Week
Operation Safe Driver Week, which happened between July 10-16, 2022, began in 2007 under the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance to promote safe driving practices on the road. Law enforcement especially focuses on Operation Safe Driver, catching thousands of commercial and passenger vehicles that were acting dangerously on the road.
Be Aware of These Hazardous Situations
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is one of the topmost causes of road accidents. Distracted driving comes in multiple forms. One can be distracted by fatigue, lightheadedness, other people or things in the vehicle, or absent-mindedness. One can promote safe roads by keeping distractions at bay as much as possible and being alert for other vehicles that may display signs of distracted driving.
Inexperienced Driving
Inexperienced drivers are more likely to end up causing an accident than seasoned, responsible drivers. It is no fault of their own, but a factor that comes when learning to operate a commercial or passenger vehicle. Inexperienced drivers ought to maintain safe practices such as keeping their distance and the speed limit throughout the course of their driving lives, even when they become experienced.
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving could include aggressive and drunk driving. Should anyone come by such instances on the road, it is best to stay calm and keep one’s distance. Continue to practice good habits such as using light signals and staying focused.
Road Work Zones
Road work zones crop up far more frequently in summer than in winter, as the weather creates conditions that offer a more favorable asphalt paving outcome. Whether it is concrete or asphalt construction, all on the road should follow the signs and slow down. The driver is just as much at risk of injury or fatality as a road worker at a road work zone.
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