“Work zones are a sign to slow down!”
National Work Zone Awareness Week 2022 is set for April 11-15. This year, NWZAW is set in Virginia’s Department of Transportation, the kick-off event starting April 12, 2022. Work zone awareness is an increasingly growing need in the United States, and it all starts with individuals’ awareness of the hazards of road work zones. Below you can find more about National Work Zone Awareness Week for this year and how the state of Maryland celebrates it.
“Work Zones Are a Sign to Slow Down”
This year’s NWZAW theme is “Work Zones Are a Sign to Slow Down.” The top three reasons for crashes in work zones are speeding, distracted driving, and following too closely behind another vehicle. Here is a blog post related to how you can help reduce the rate of distracted driving. It may surprise some to learn that half of the fatalities in work zone crashes are of the driver, not a road work employee. In Maryland, it is common to drive at least five miles above the speed limit, but when anyone sees work zone signage, one should immediately take caution and slow down.
The Importance of Bringing Awareness
One of the greatest ways to help solve a problem is merely by bringing awareness to the issue. Bringing light to a problem such as an increase in work zone crashes, injuries, and fatalities can help people live differently, all contributing to improving the situation. That’s what National Work Zone Awareness Week does every year at a time when road construction and maintenance work are at their peak. While road work zones should never bring one to fear, any work zone should be an automatic sign to drivers to slow down and be alert.
Go Orange/Road Worker Appreciation Day
In Maryland, current Governor Larry Hogan made April Work Zone Safety Awareness Month and April 13 Go Orange or Road Work Appreciation Day. Marylanders can take special precautions and time to remember the importance of road workers and appreciate how they keep our main mode of transportation functional and safe. We should drive past work zones as if one of our loved ones is working on the scene.
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