If you can handle the heat and humidity that this time of year has to offer, now is the perfect time to spend some time in Maryland’s great outdoors. The screeching hordes of cicadas are silent, there are plenty of outdoor activities to engage in, and the occasional summer storm brings a refreshing reprieve from the heat. Whether your summer to-do list features swimming, fishing, hiking, or something else entirely, we all have stormwater management systems to thank for the lush, diverse, and beautiful ecosystems that exist in this region. Stormwater mitigation is a crucial part of our state’s infrastructure, and stormwater management systems are in place all around us.
What is Stormwater Mitigation?
Stormwater mitigation is the practice of diverting, holding, or filtering stormwater runoff instead of allowing it to flow freely into our local waterways and wetlands. Systems can utilize a variety of approaches, but each strategy is intended to minimize flooding and pollution that can occur after rainfall.
Common Components of Stormwater Mitigation Systems
Fortunately for Marylanders, there are plenty of tools that can be used to lessen the negative impact of excessive precipitation and runoff. Culverts and storm drains divert runoff as it accumulates, and retention and detention ponds store the stormwater safely. Bioswales and similar stormwater mitigation systems utilize pipes, mechanical filtration, and aquatic and semi-aquatic plants to transport, filter, and reintroduce runoff while minimizing pollution.
Why Stormwater Mitigation is Crucial for Maryland’s Waterways
The state of Maryland is home to countless species of fish, birds, bugs, and plants. From the smallest minnows to the largest oak trees, every living thing in our local ecosystems relies upon stormwater mitigation. Without the safe, slow diversion of runoff into stormwater management systems, the summer storms that Marylanders have come to know and love would send wave after wave of water (likely with litter and pollutants picked up from the ground nearby) into our rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Stormwater management systems channel this runoff into things like retention ponds and bioswales. Once there, the water can either evaporate or be filtered by plants and gravel over time. This helps prevent pollution, flooding, and water damage that can harm not only the environment, but buildings as well.
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Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.