The weather is slowly starting to cool down, and managers of commercial properties have to start thinking about preventative maintenance. Maryland’s winter weather can wreak havoc on paved surfaces, so you must consult a parking lot contractor to assess the health of your asphalt before the icy weather hits. There are a few different ways that your local parking lot contractor can prepare your asphalt for winter, and it is essential to get a head start on this maintenance during the fall season. Here are four maintenance practices that can extend the life of your asphalt.
1. Patch Any Holes
If you have any potholes in your parking lot, they will undoubtedly get larger once the winter weather arrives. Water and freezing temperatures are the mortal enemies of asphalt. Water on the ground seeps into potholes, cracks, and fissures in asphalt, where it freezes and expands. This expanding ice can widen potholes and cracks. In severe cases, freezing water that has seeped beneath the asphalt layer can actually separate the asphalt from the subgrade. To help prevent this, you will want to have a parking lot contractor patch any holes in your pavement.
2. Seal Cracks Before Winter
Even though they are much smaller than potholes, cracks can also cause severe damage. When exposed to freezing temperatures, the cracks in your asphalt can widen, necessitating more intensive asphalt repair. It is crucial to have an asphalt contractor clean, fill, and seal these cracks before the first frost.
3. Apply a Seal Coat
Sealcoating should be a part of your asphalt maintenance routine year-round, but it is particularly important in fall and winter. Applying a seal coat protects your asphalt from UV radiation, spills of oil or caustic materials, and water and ice. Once you have addressed any structural issues in your asphalt, you should have a seal coat applied to form a protective layer for the coming winter.
4. De-Ice Appropriately
Once the winter weather hits in full force, there are still things you can do to preserve your asphalt. It can help to plow your lot after snowfall. Deicing appropriately and keeping snow and ice off of your asphalt surface can help reduce potential damage. However, it is important to note that many deicing products can harm your asphalt if you have not had a seal coat applied. Because of this, it is vital that you get a head start on pre-winter asphalt maintenance. Contact the trusted parking lot contractors at Reliable Contracting to get more information about protecting your asphalt.
Reliable is dedicated to delivering quality products, displaying professionalism within the firm, seeking new opportunities for expansion and profitability, and providing an environment for individual success. If you have a commercial or residential construction project that you need taken care of, please contact Anne Arundel County’s largest site-work contractor today by calling 410-987-0313 or visiting our website. You can also follow Reliable Contracting on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter!
Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.