Reliable knows how to make a sound site before real construction begins!
Dealing with a construction project is a lot more involved than many might realize. It involves multiple steps that require precision, safety, timeliness, and skillfulness to complete. It begins before any construction materials go into place. Whether it is a road, a commercial building, or an airport runway, Reliable Contracting knows the importance of site preparation in construction and how to do it for you in Maryland.
The Importance of Site Preparation in Construction
Create the Base for a Firm Foundation
Ultimately, site preparation is there to ensure that the foundation has a firm foundation on which to sit. One cannot simply lay down a road, parking lot, or building without first securing the stability of the ground itself. Without this stability, the foundation could shift, crack, or warp and lean like the Leaning Tower of Pisa or completely break under the structure.
Make Construction Easier and Safer
Site preparation also makes construction itself easier and safer to perform. It clears away debris and rough spots that could otherwise pose as a safety hazard, and makes it easier to access the construction site in general. Safety is the priority, and site preparation paves the way.
Limit the Scope of the Construction Site
Site preparation also puts parameters on the construction site. It practically creates the construction site, turning raw, untreated ground into a blank canvas on which the new structure can go. It helps avoid overworking the land beyond what is necessary.
The Steps of Site Preparation
We now know the importance of site preparation in construction, but what is actually involved? Site preparation includes these steps:
- Site clearing of foliage
- Site surveying
- Soil testing
- Site plan design
- Mass excavation and grading
- Soil compacting
- Installing utilities like a stormwater management system
- Fine grading
Ready to Get Started?
Reliable Contracting in Maryland is here to assist your commercial, municipal, or industrial construction project with grading and excavation services. Reliable is certainly one of Maryland’s most reliable asphalt, concrete, utility, and excavation companies, with many decades in the service and plenty of projects in the portfolio. If you would like to learn more about what Reliable can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Reliable is dedicated to delivering quality products, displaying professionalism within the firm, seeking new opportunities for expansion and profitability, and providing an environment for individual success. If you have a commercial or residential construction project that you need taken care of, please contact Anne Arundel County’s largest site-work contractor today by calling 410-987-0313 or visiting our website. You can also follow Reliable Contracting on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter!
Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.