Grading is one step in land development you can’t do without!
Did you know that what is underneath the parking lot or road is just as crucial as the asphalt itself? The ground beneath the asphalt sets the stage for the foundation; this is true for any construction, such as a house or office building. Reliable Contracting paves and services asphalt and concrete surfaces alike, such as roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. Moreover, you can rely on us for every step in their construction, including grading. Below is a closer look at the importance of grading and how we can aid your construction project.
What Is Grading in Construction?
Grading is the preparation of the ground before construction begins. Contractors perform site clearing to remove all trees, weeds, rocks, and any other debris in the construction area. Then, they will take a soil sample and see if its composition needs adjusting to make it construction appropriate. Once the soil is ready, specialized contractors will level and slope the ground according to a plan so that it drains properly.
The Importance of Grading in Construction
Prevent Flooding
Grading sets building foundations on level ground and roads and parking lots at an appropriate, gentle angle so that water flows into the nearest drainage area, such as a retention pond or storm drain inlet. If the grading is incorrect, it could cause building foundations to become waterlogged or produce a flood. Given how powerful a flood can be, one can recognize the importance of grading in construction.
Prevent Erosion
If the slope is too steep, it could cause the surrounding soil to erode. The grade channels the water drainage in such a way that the water will flow at a steady rate. A positive way to look at it would be that land grading helps preserve the landscape while draining rain and snowmelt effectively.
Prevent Damaged Foundations
As mentioned, improper grading could lead water to pool around a building’s foundation, which would lead to a potential building collapse. It could also cause asphalt pavement foundations to deteriorate. Improper grading could lead to puddles of water in the middle of the road or parking lot. If the asphalt has cracks, the water can eventually seep down to the pavement’s foundation.
Reliable is dedicated to delivering quality products, displaying professionalism within the firm, seeking new opportunities for expansion and profitability, and providing an environment for individual success. If you have a commercial or residential construction project that you need taken care of, please contact Anne Arundel County’s largest site-work contractor today by calling 410-987-0313 or visiting our website. You can also follow Reliable Contracting on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter!
Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.