Sustainability, Warm-Mix Asphalt & Reliable Contracting in Baltimore

Warm-Mix-AsphaltWhen was the last time you were driving down the highway and thought to yourself, “How does this asphalt affect the environment?” Odds are that thought has never really crossed your mind. But if it has, or if we now have you thinking, you are in luck. We have the answer!

Asphalt is actually one of the most environmentally friendly building materials around.

  1. Recycling: Asphalt is actually the most recycled material in the United States. When an old asphalt pavement is removed, 99% of the time it is recycled or reused.
  2. Storm Water Runoff: Porous asphalt helps manage storm water runoff, improving water quality.
  3. Fuel Efficiency: Because asphalt is so smooth, tires rolling across it encounter less resistance than on other types of pavements. The result: improved fuel economy!
  4. Greenhouse Gases: The amount of energy used to produce and the amount of greenhouse gasses produced during asphalt production are much smaller than alternate paving materials.
  5. Warm-Mix Asphalt: Because warm-mix asphalt is produced and placed at a lower temperature, it saves energy and reduces the production of harmful greenhouse gases, while still meeting rigorous industry criteria for installation and durability.

Reliable Contracting in Baltimore: Warm-Mix Asphalt Production

At Reliable Contracting, we have always prided ourselves on being an innovator in the use of recycled materials, including burning recycled oil for fuel, producing glassphalt paving mixes, and recycling asphalt and concrete for base materials. But that is just the beginning of our environmentally friendly construction practices. We have recently expanded our capabilities ot include the production of warm-mix asphalt.

If you have any questions about Sustainability, Warm-Mix Asphalt & Reliable Contracting in Baltimore, please contact us today by calling 410-987-0313 or visit our website. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter!


The Sustainability of Asphalt National Asphalt Pavement Association

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