Have you driven on MD Route 3 or Route 162 lately? You may have noticed that the roads have gotten a major makeover, courtesy of Reliable Contracting! Read on to learn more about the projects and to see how Reliable is helping to keep Anne Arundel County roads safe and beautiful.
Anne Arunde
l Roads Get a Reliable Makeover
The two roadways, MD Route 3 and MD Route 162, were revamped as part of two contracts Reliable has with Maryland’s State Highway Administration for roads in Anne Arundel County. The projects involved a full range of services, including:
-Milling and resurfacing the roadways with a specialized custom asphalt mix designed by the state of Maryland
-Completing necessary inlet adjustments
-Striping the roads with fresh paint
-Laying down seed and mulch to facilitate the growth of new grass on the roadside
-Laying PVC conduit so that the necessary electrical work can be completed by additional state contractors
By fully renovating the roadways and taking the steps necessary to regrow the roadside, Reliable has created two new Maryland roads that will last for years to come. These roads, with their smooth surfaces and newly-finished lines, are made from materials designed with durability, appearance, and quality in mind.
You can check out videos of the beautiful finished products here and here!
Reliable Contracting was able to work in conjunction with many amazing subcontractors on these Anne Arundel roads projects. Reliable would like to give a big THANK YOU to:
-J.F. Johnson Lumber Company
-Surface Preparation Technologies, Inc.
-Labor Ready Northeast, Inc.
-Rommel Engineering and Construction
-Flagger Force
-Priceless Industries, Inc.
-American Paving Fabrics, Inc.
-Mark-Lang, Inc.
-J&M Sweeping LLC
-American Heritage Excavating
-Road Safety LLC
Check back in with the Reliable blog for future posts about our upcoming projects and work in the community!
About Reliable Contracting
Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.