Here is how you stay safe while driving through a construction zone!
Do you know how to drive safely through a construction zone? Most drivers assume that they do; however, there are still many accidents every year. Every driver should know how to react when they come across a construction zone on the road. If you are prepared and know how to react, you shouldn’t have any problems. Here are some key points on driving safely through construction zones.
Remain Patient
It’s very easy to become impatient when you have hit a construction roadblock. As frustrating as it may be sitting in traffic, it is important to remain patient. Your anger and frustration can easily get you into an accident.
Obey Traffic Flaggers
Sometimes construction zones rely on traffic flaggers. These are the individuals who direct traffic around any road work. It is important to pay close attention to their instructions. It is also important to note that whatever they instruct you to do supersedes all other traffic signals.
Watch Your Speed
In many cases, the speed limit is reduced in construction zones. Under no circumstance should you be speed in a work zone because that is a recipe for disaster. There is a reason why traffic flaggers often times hold a “slow” sign. Since there are probably a lot of vehicles coming through, a driver needs to able to stop at a moment’s notice.
Expect The Unexpected
It is important that you stay completely alert as you proceed through a construction zone. You want to always expect the unexpected. For example, there could be a construction worker standing in the middle of the road in front of you. Keep your eyes and ears peeled as you pass through any construction zone.
Anticipate Uneven Pavement
Another major reason why you want to drive slowly through work zones is that the pavement could be uneven. It is extremely dangerous to hit bumps in roads when you are traveling at high speeds. It is also important that you remember to stay in your lane. It is dangerous to swerve in and out of lanes through these areas because they usually congested.
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